AI / ML / Data Engineering Use Cases

Data Analytics

Healthcare Industry | Data Analytics Dashboard

The COVIDemic dashboard is an example of the value of data analytics in healthcare. It provides insights into the spread and management of COVID-19 worldwide. Healthcare professionals can use the dashboard to identify trends and patterns, which aids in decision-making and problem-solving. The dashboard utilizes the latest tech stacks and data analytics tools, such as Python and D3.js visualization library, to process and aggregate data in real time. This provides timely information that can aid in managing and controlling disease outbreaks.

Artificial Intelligence

Cyber Security | Computer Vision

We previously built a computer vision detection system using facial recognition, object detection, and gaze tracking technology which provides a rigorous threat-level assessment system for enterprises with confidential information, protecting against social engineering attacks. However, the application of computer vision can be applied to many other workflows to enhance quality assurance and verification.